Since 2019 and due to COVID-19, many large, small and medium-sized companies have increasingly begun to opt for a remote work modality for the convenience of their employees and for health security.

Currently, many of these companies still maintain this modality of work, while others have combined being in an office with working from home or anywhere the worker feels like, as long as they meet the established obligations.

However, this has not prevented incidents, abuse, or discrimination from being presented by other colleagues or the same employers, especially online, where anonymity can even play an important role, confusing or alerting continues the victim, especially if the aggressor is well acquainted with the activities carried out by the affected person in their workplace.

Harassment and Employment Discrimination in California: Current Affairs

According to Legal Aid at Work, an organization that defends workers’ rights and seeks labor equity, any form of direct or indirect harassment by managers, employers, co-workers, or any other person within this environment who, “because of your race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), national origin, disability, or age (40 years or older),” intends to harm you physically, emotionally, or psychologically during your employment, you may face charges of harassment or discrimination.

Today, the Afro-descendant and Latino communities are among the most affected in this type of situation, not only in California, but also in other countries in America, since regardless of a person’s immigration status, they may be more vulnerable to these situations. at work because they are minorities who find it difficult to insert themselves into another society due to factors such as language (if it is a foreigner), cultural training, professional education, etc.

Therefore, if you consider that you have a small or medium-sized business that is emerging, or a company with a large number of personnel, it is necessary to understand that whatever the market or area you cover, you must request free training of this type or demand it as an employee. to reduce the risk of altercations motivated by these reasons.

For example, the Employment Center of America in California, provides information that can guide you about the consequences that a labor conflict caused by discrimination or harassment can bring, be it face-to-face or virtual; how to solve it in the best way or, where to go before formalizing your complaint to the local authorities.

However, if you believe that the help you have received to mediate the situation you are experiencing is insufficient to achieve the peace of mind and well-being you need to continue with your professional obligations, remember that you can contact us if you wish to hear your case, provide you with solutions, and help you with the best provision we have.

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