If you believe that someone, including yourself, is being treated unfavorably for religious reasons, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, considers this an act of discrimination in a workplace setting.
On this occasion, we address some frequent causes of this form of abuse within the work space, as well as identifying some of them to prevent a conflict or some other type of abuse from arising in your office, co-working. Etc.
How does this crime happen at work?
Through the following forms or manifestations, whether or not perceived by the worker:
-Segregation: A person, or a group of them, who discriminates against others because of their dress, physical appearance, or other personal causes that are supported by religion, can cause other personal beliefs of that type to be rejected and discriminatory behaviors to develop. .
-Wage theft: If you are a foreign person, whose traits or nationality easily reveal your religious beliefs, there are occasions where the employer will try to offer you a salary below what is established by law. If this happens, remember that you can report or formalize your complaint to authorities such as the EEOC.
-Harassment: If a colleague or employer, seeks ways to abuse you or another employee verbally, physically, psychologically for reasons of this type. If this happens, it is necessary to understand that there is a labor dispute that must be addressed immediately.
-Limitation to labor management: That is, you will not be able to access important administrative or corporate positions due to your religious references, which is considered unfounded or personal labor retaliation.
Another form of manifestation of this type of employment discrimination, can occur through hiring or preference for your religion, only for the purpose of labor exploitation by your employer, so if this happens or you feel that they have the intention of do so, seek legal help or local authorities to report the fact.
Ways to Reduce Religious Discrimination in California
Some of the actions that we can take to avoid situations of conflict for this reason within our work environment are:
-Request anti-segregation workshops: holding discussions about why another should not be judged, just for their religious beliefs, clothing, etc., is something that should be necessary if we work in a place where other people live together or maintain a professional relationship continue with us and they can get offended by a reason like this if we don’t understand their culture and the way they express it.
-Avoid proselytizing in the workplace: Although this is possible, and in most cases it is, keep it to a minimum or avoid it so as not to have problems with other colleagues or employers.
If promoting your religious views puts your own and others’ professional activities at risk, it’s time to reconsider this type of action in the workplace.
-Encourage an environment of tolerance and respect through clear labor coexistence rules: If you are an employer, or owner of a large, medium or small company, you need to have defined work rules that promote positive values and healthy competition.
Being aware of the religious manifestations of your other colleagues, employers, and even yourself, is part of maintaining a cordial, pleasant, understanding work environment full of continuous learning.
If you are experiencing a situation of discrimination due to your religion or belief, you can visit our contact section so that we can schedule a call and assess your legal situation as soon as possible.