Although this has been a subject little explored by legal specialists and other professional areas within the social sciences, workplace discrimination due to obesity or excess body weight is a worldwide fact that is becoming more visible and requires more attention. .

Currently, there are counties in Los Angeles, for example, that require evidence that a person is filing a complaint for discrimination due to their physiological condition, which makes many question the labor laws of the State of California, especially the vulnerable population. with disabilities, preferences or gender orientations different from those with which they were born, among others.

How does a person with excess weight suffer employment discrimination?

If we want to be more understandable and empathetic people with others within our work environment, be it face-to-face or digital, we must understand that

-A joke or comment intended to dismiss another’s opinion without valid arguments.

-The use of a derogatory tone or language towards another person, even if it is a joke.

-Touching a co-worker without their consent for fun.

-Call a co-worker or employee with a nickname or nickname.

Among other physical or verbal acts that refer to a person’s weight, they can be considered aggression or acts of discrimination towards someone who is overweight.

Obesity is a problem that affects between 5 and 10% of the population in California, according to the TFAH, which makes it a state in America with a high rate of people suffering from this bodily disorder.

Am I more likely to be discriminated against at work because of obesity than others, or to be turned away from a job because of it?

Any act of separatism, violence, or hatred towards another person, solely because of their appearance or how they look, will be punished by the law of the State of California. Therefore, if you believe that at any time you suffered any type of physical or verbal abuse due to your physical condition, first report it to the company to find out if it was a mistake or an action taken by one of your colleagues.

Now: If you believe that the company or employer has not taken the necessary steps to correct the event(s), contact the Department of Labor or a lawyer to take legal action against your aggressor as soon as possible.

Is it true that people with weight problems are less likely to win a labor dispute?

Fake. The state tries to guarantee, for these types of cases and similar ones, the fairness and transparency that is necessary for the process to be as fair as possible, which allows victims to receive the compensation or settlement they deserve.

In short, obesity or excess weight is a bodily disorder that, although it is the product of poor nutrition and health habits for some, for others, it is a medical condition that requires treatment, therapy, and above all, the support from the people around us, including our co-workers or employers.

Therefore, if you believe that you are being verbally or physically abused at work, for this reason, whether in a subtle or passive way, contact your supervisor first and start taking action to stop any abuse that you are being subjected to. subdued.

Finally, if you want to talk about a case related to the topic or similar, be sure to go to the contact section to be able to talk more about it and provide you with options according to what you want or need to do.

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