Workplace Sexual Harassment in California: Common Cases and What to Do

The Department of Fair Employment and Housing of the State of California defines workplace sexual harassment as any action that seeks to discriminate against a person within their work space on the basis of sex or gender. In accordance with the foregoing, it is not necessary to speak of an explicit sexual desire towards another […]

Workplace Retaliation: What you should know as an employee

It is common that every environment or professional space has its problems. However, that does not mean that certain irregularities or mistreatment by your employers or co-workers should be overlooked. Under the laws of the State of California, as a worker who is part of a company, factory, business, etc., you are protected if you […]

What to do in case of employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender

Transphobia and misogyny at work is something that continues to happen in California, both in work spaces, face-to-face and digital. Non-binary men and women, or who do not identify with their birth gender and wish to assume another, remain vulnerable personalities and victims of aggression by other people with whom they share their professional day-to-day. […]

Where can I report discrimination at work?

Employment discrimination in California is a fact. Despite being one of the most cosmopolitan states in the United States, there are still inequalities in the professional field that need improvement. But, what is employment discrimination? It can be defined as a series of physical or verbal actions on the part of a company, employer, or […]

Common causes of employment discrimination

California is one of the cosmopolitan states of the United States. However, as in any other country, discrimination and harassment in the workplace are a fact. Cities such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, or San Diego are famous for their advances in legal matters to achieve greater social inclusion. But unfortunately, this does not mean […]

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